Friday, July 31, 2009

Blog Givaway time, Lovely Grosgrain ribbons

Cupcakes, Daisies, Strawberries, Caterpillars & Stripes

Time for another quick giveaway, simply 8 beautiful 1/2 metres of grosgrain ribbon from my collection, stripes, cupcakes, strawberries, daisies, caterpillars and one surprise piece from my new collection coming soon.

So in total 4 metres of ribbon, which is great for decorating all sorts of things, bows, hair ribbons, trimmings, cake decoration, lovely bag handles etc etc............

Im having an early spring clean and have loads of off cuts and remnants, so thought Id treat you to a giveaway.

My usual rules apply, please leave a comment for me below, have a twitter and possibly follow my blog if you'd like to. We have a great spring coming up, and a newsletter in the coming months to join. I have already lined up my next giveaway too, for September, which you'll love.

To enter ~

1. Simply leave a comment below, or just your name will do.

2. Make sure I can contact you, either thru your blog or leave a valid email address.

3. Feel free to twitter or follow my blog, not compulsory of course, I'd like you to read and enter because you want to not as a condition of entry.

4. Last entries for this Giveaway are to be made by midnight AEST Friday 14th August and the winner will be drawn randomly by my children on Saturday 15th August and the winner will be contacted on the Monday.

Good luck and Thank you in advance for commenting.



Kawaii for You said...

these ribbons are just gorgeous. Does number 1 ever win? he he

SquiggleMum said...

Oh what gorgeous ribbons! Loving the strawberries, and the caterpillars, and...!!!

Ilona said...

These ribbons are just too lovely! Of course I enter this give-away, crossing my fingers :)

Mandy said...

The cupcake design would be great for decorating home baked treats. I've followed you on Twitter!
Mandy (

Heli said...

So cute ribbons! I would love to be the lucky one :)

Jenny @ Festoon said...

Loving the ribbons Susie! Thanks so much for saying you'll put me on your blog soon too, can't wait! xxxxx Jenny x

Shorty said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these beautiful ribbons. And, I'm a follower of your blog... or

Thanks again!

Shannon said...

I have some projects up my sleeve that would use these beautifully...thanks for the giveaway!

Tam said...

Oh those are beautiful!

Your Cheeky Monkey said...

Oh I can think of SOOOOO many uses for these they are just gorgeous! I would LOVE to be so lucky to win these! Thanks Susie and good luck everyone! Monique :) ps. I am of course following you x

Me and My 4 Fellas said...

Wowee, what a great giveaway...count me in.

Thanks heaps

gret said...

They are gorgeous ribbons! I would be honoured to win.

Abby said...

I would love to win this!

ajcmeyer at go dot com

Jen said...

You would not believe how obsessed I am with ribbons and paper!!!!! In fact i think it is pretty thing in general JUST love the ribbons! And found your blog so YAY will be following! Would love you to follow mine too
Jen x

Anonymous said...

I love playing with ribbon! Thanks for sharing.

Trish Goodfield said...

I quickly glanced at these yesterday and didn't realise that it was ribbon. Back today courtsy of Little Diva.

K said...

I just love ribbons!!! I just bought some and spent a bit of money, which my husband doesn't know about, just between you and me. I have a great big box of them. I love the cupcake ribbon, my daughter would flip for this ribbon! I also follow you on twitter!

Debbie said...

Beautiful ribbons! Thanks heaps for offering such a useful prize. Would love to win.
Debbie (

Cate Bolt said...

LOL ^^ What everyone else said!!

Unknown said...

They are beautiful ! Count me in please .

killermouse said...

Gorgeous - perfect for my precious one :-)

esther said...

Hi Susie, Love the ribbons. They are so very cute. I would love to be in your giveaway. Thanks.

bubbachenille said...

Lovely ribbons, so glad we live in the naughties, ribbons of old were a tad boring!

danielle said...

so pretty!! thanks for the chance

SecondChanceChicken said...

I can never have too much ribbon!

MuddKids said...

A pressie is never complete without ribbons!

MooBear Designs said...

Your ribbons rock and I am the off cut Queen... I love recycling off cuts!! Found you through Agoo Australia twittering!! I am going to follow your blog...because I want to!! YAY...

xo Steph

Nicole Grant said...

I just really love ribbons. All of them! My toddler has the most gorgeous hair for piggy tails. I spend more time on her hair than my own!

Ashleigh McIntyre said...

What cute ribbons! I would love to put them to good use :)

Susan from Agoo said...

I can't wait for my girl to have hair nad need ribbons...bugger it. I'm not too old am I?

Kat said...

Would love to win these ribbons too!

kat (at) PaulandKat (dot) com

Michelle said...

Oooohhhh! I am adding ribbon accessories to my new site when it launches..I would love to play with these and add them too. Fingers crossed! Off to follow your blog and tweet too!

Thanks for the chance to enter


DeannaMaree said...

Great giveaway, love ribbons!

su said...

oh, gorgeousness!
love them :)
thanks so much for sharing :) :)

admin said...

What stunning grosgrain ribbons!! :)

joyjoyc said...

so colourful!

Rose said...

Pretty :)

Owlmania said...

I want to win!!! Please...

Jules said...

Your ribbons are stunning! Very different to the usual ribbons you see. I'm loving the cupcakes - toooo cute!!! I'm on the hunt for cute ribbons to tie onto my door hanging blackboards! Maybe this could be it!!!
I'll keep my toes and fingers crossed! Julie :)

Max. H said...

Beautiful ribbon! I would love to win!!

mc.crafty.bunny at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

Great giveaway would love to win those lovely ribbons.

SecondChanceChicken said...

the cupcakes are my favorite!

Karen said...

Totally adorable, my daughter just loves her bows. Would love to see some of this fabric made up into bows, so cute!